Welcome to the Global Automotive Declarable Substance List (GADSL) website. Here you will find information related to the GADSL and useful documents that can be downloaded.
The GADSL is the result of the efforts of a global team from the automotive, automotive parts supplier (tier supplier) and chemical/plastics industries who have organized the Global Automotive Stakeholders Group (GASG). The GASG's purpose is to facilitate communication and exchange of information regarding the use of certain substances in automotive products throughout the supply chain. The GADSL only covers substances that are expected to be present in a material or part that remains in a vehicle at point of sale.
In recent years many individual declarable substance lists were developed to exchange information regarding the material and substance composition of automotive parts. The experience gained by the above industries in using these multiple lists has shown that the declaration process could be improved upon and this was a key reason for developing a single, globally harmonized list with clear criteria and a transparent process to manage future versions of the GADSL.
PLEASE NOTE: Not all substances on the GADSL are prohibited from automotive use. Substances listed are or could be potentially regulated but are not necessarily candidates for substitution. GADSL is intended to communicate the use of these substances in the automotive industry to support government regulations and requests as well as providing guidance on substance restrictions. Please do not refer to GADSL as a “blacklist” or a “ban list.”
Two downloadable documents are available, GADSL Guidance Document (PDF) and GADSL Reference List (Excel). The GADSL file is the master document that lists individual declarable substances, substance groups (families) and describes how the GADSL should be used. The Reference file provides CAS numbers for individual substances of a chemical group or family (e.g. lead and its compounds) appearing on the GADSL, should they be needed.
Should you have any questions or comments about the Global Automotive Stakeholders Group or the GADSL, please contact a member or staff person of the GASG Steering Committee, listed in the Contact Information.